• 3D Casting With Base

    First Impressions understsands the casts are precious to the parents. To ensure the quality of the casts, the molding materials, casting materials, and the paints we use are imported from Europe and North America.

    We use 100% baby safe imported molding materials to take 3D castings for babies. The molds can be either taken in the comfort of your own home* or at our office. Each highly detail cast captures every little crease and wrinkle of your child. Once we have the casts, it takes about 4 weeks to finish and mount.

  • First impressions provide casting service in the area of Hong Kong and Macau.

    For Macau 3D casting service, please contact us for further information.

  • 3D Casting with Base (1 hand)

    1 hand special gesture

    Quote upon request

  • 3D Casting with Base (2 hand)

    2 hands holding together

    Quote upon request

  • 3D Casting with Base (3 hands)

    3 hands holding together

    Quote upon request

  • Our framed 3D castings will make the perfect gift for your friends and family. Contact us for information of our gift certificates.

  • Get any new idea? We can also produce custom designs according to your requirements, Please feel free to discuss with us.